General site stuff:
- Design a site header
- Design a better button
Find or make a better background
Look at potentially setting up
- Add pages for
books, music, games, possibly shows
Add a blog-type page
Specific pages:
Expand on reading section from "what I'm up to" box w/ more detail
- Add a space for book recommendations, with links on the book titles leading to individual reviews when I make them
- Expand on listening (music) section from "what I'm up to" box w/ more detail
- Add section for music recommendations
- Add song of the week/month
- Expand on playing section from "what I'm up to" box w/ more detail
- Add section for game recommendations, links for reviews when I write those
Figure out how I'm going to make the blog; either use a JS framework of some kind or manually create pages for each post
Actually make the thing